Play UNO Reverse Card | Play it Online



The UNO Reverse Card is a well-known card in the game UNO that reverses the turn order. When played, the direction of play changes: clockwise becomes counter-clockwise and vice versa. In earlier UNO versions, the reverse card also acted as a Skip Card in games with only two players.

How to Play UNO Reverse Card

In UNO, the Reverse card is a special action card that changes the direction of play. Here’s how to use the UNO Reverse card:

Playing the Reverse Card:

  • The Reverse card can only be played on a card of the same color or another Reverse card.
    When a Reverse card is played, the player who played it skips their turn, and the direction of play is reversed.
  • If the game is currently moving clockwise, it changes to counterclockwise, and vice versa.

Number of Reverse Cards:

  • An UNO deck includes 8 Reverse cards, with 2 of each colour.

Alternate Uses:

  • At the beginning of the game, players have the option to redefine the Reverse card’s function, like skipping the next player or changing the direction of play.

Ultimate Comeback Card:

  • The UNO Reverse card is commonly seen as the ultimate comeback card, often used metaphorically to represent karmic events.

  • It is popular in online culture, where it is playfully and humorously employed to suggest that a statement, action, or accusation should be turned back on the speaker.


  • The optimal timing for playing the Reverse card in UNO is crucial. It is advisable to utilize the Reverse card when the player beside you has a low number of cards remaining.

Cancellation of Cards:

  • In UNO, no cards, including the Reverse card, can be cancelled. When the gameplay order is clockwise and a Reverse card is played, the direction of play immediately switches.