Play Online Checkers | How to Play Checkers



Checkers, a timeless board game with centuries of history, is enjoyed worldwide. Also known as draughts in some regions, the game is played by two players who engage in strategic gameplay on an 8×8 chequered board. The ultimate objective is to eliminate all of your opponent’s pieces from the board. Here are some essential facts about checkers:

How to Play Checkers

Checkers, also known as draughts, is a traditional board game requiring strategic gameplay for two players. Here is a detailed guide on how to play checkers:

Setting Up the Board: The board for this game consists of an 8×8 checkered pattern and each player starts with 12 discs of their respective color, which are placed on the 12 dark squares closest to them. Usually, one player’s discs are black while the other’s are either red or white.

Starting the Game: In the game of checkers, the black player makes the first move, followed by turns alternating between players. Each player is allowed to move one checker diagonally forward (towards the opponent’s checkers) during a standard turn. It is essential to keep the checkers on the dark squares.

Gameplay: Players take turns moving their checkers forward diagonally on the dark squares. During a multiple capture turn, single pieces can change direction diagonally but must always jump forward towards the opponent.

Capturing Opponent’s Checkers: When capturing an opponent’s checker in a game, a player can leap over a diagonally adjacent checker of the opponent, provided that the space beyond it is vacant. It is possible to capture multiple checkers by jumping over them consecutively with the same checker. When a checker reaches the opposite side of the board, it becomes a king.

Winning the Game: The game is won by the first player to capture all of the opponent’s checkers. If a player cannot make a move, they lose the game.

Strategy and Tips: It is crucial to concentrate on advancing pieces to the opposite side of the board to create a team of Kings, as having more kinged pieces enhances the chances of winning the game.