Overwatch 2 : A Better Version of Overwatch


Overwatch 2 is a shooter game which was developed and published by Blizzard Entertainment in 2022. It is a sequel and replacement to Overwatch (2016), the game has an environment for player-versus-player (PvP) modes. A major change in the modes was to reduce team sizes from six to five. Several major characters were also modified. It is a free to play game on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Windows, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S. It is a full cross-platform play. 

The Ultimate Gameplay of Overwatch 2

Overwatch 2 is a hero shooter game , where players are divided into two teams and the player can select a hero from a list of 35 characters. Characters are divided into groups, ‘damage’ class, which is responsible for offensive effort, ‘support’ class, which is  responsible for healing and buffing and a ‘tank’ class, which is responsible for creating space for their team. Each character has a unique skill set, and is made up of active, passive, and ultimate abilities. The game primarily focuses on player versus player, which is also called PvP combat across several different modes and maps, and it includes both casual and ranked competitive matches.

The original Overwatch was made for six-six team combat, with two of each class on a team. In Overwatch 2, the number of tank slots was reduced by one, allowing the total number of players to be five. 

Overwatch 2 has a ping system to get the attention of teammates to specific points in the game.

Overwatch 2 was made as a free-to-play game. 

The game has an in-game store where players can purchase cosmetics while playing. 

A Blizzard Battle.net account is required to play the game, regardless of platform. Unlocked cosmetic items, in-game currency, and player statistics from any Overwatch profile linked to an account are merged, and are available on all platforms. 

Overwatch 2 Patch Notes

  • They fixed a bug that caused Endorsement Level to appear incorrectly in Custom Games.

Increased the volume and clarity of Ultimate voice over lines.

  • They fixed missing Multikill voice-overs from activating when criteria is met.
  • They fixed the ‘Rugby Practice’ challenge not progressing.
  • They fixed a bug when spectating that caused the camera to become stuck on 2 members of the team.
  • They fixed an issue that prevented the ‘Hero Limit’ option from saving after being modified in Custom Game options.
  • They fixed an issue with Reticle options where Dot Size and Outline Thickness would change the reticle appearance even if their opacity was set to 0.
  • They fixed a crash related to viewing replays.
  • They fixed a bug that prevented you from being able to manually enter the value for Maximum Queue Delay in Streamer Protect settings (this value could always be set using the slider).  God of War Ragnarok


  • They fixed a bug that allowed abilities with shockwaves to hit targets in a floor below
  • Bastion

    • They fixed an issue with Bastion’s hitbox becoming desynchronized while in Assault mode
  • Doomfist

    • They fixed a bug with Rocket Punch that could cause the targets of the punch to potentially lose their walking animation
  • Echo

    • They fixed a bug that occurred when an Echo copied Sigma’s Kinetic Grasp would not grow when taking damage
  • Illari

    • They fixed a bug where the Sunstruck effect wouldn’t detonate if the damage threshold was reached in the last 0.6 seconds of the effect
  • Mercy

    • They fixed an issue that reduced Guardian Angels active duration by cancelling the ability while simultaneously pressing crouch or jump
    • They fixed an issue that forced Mercy to reload if Valkryie was activated during the reload animation

Overwatch 2 Patch Notes : Updates, General Changes, New Heroes

Overwatch 2 Characters

Overwatch 2 Characters

Here they are again, organised by role:

Tank characters D.Va, Doomfist, Junker Queen, Orisa, Reinhardt, Roadhog, Sigma, Winston, Wrecking Ball, Zarya
Damage characters Ashe, Bastion, Cassidy, Echo, Genji, Hanzo Junkrat, Mei, Pharah, Reaper, Sojourn, Soldier: 76, Sombra, Symmetra, Torbjörn, Tracer, Widowmaker
Support characters Ana, Baptiste, Brigitte, Kiriko, Lúcio, Mercy, Moira, Zenyatta

Overwatch 2 Characters : New Characters, New Tank Heroes, Pocket Tactics

D. Va

  • D.Va spends most of her time piloting and is an excellent frontline tank character.
  • She is a vulnerable character and tries to remain out of danger.


  • Doomfist tries to get close and personal with enemies. 
  • He is a strong and mobile character with a massive mechanical arm.


  • Junker Queen was added recently for Overwatch 2. 
  • Her whole toolkit revolves around wounding enemies with her axe and throwing knives. 


  • Orisa is a heavily armoured robot from Numbani built from scrap by an 11-year-old genius.
  • She can throw in a skillshot to damage and stun an enemy. 


  • Reinhardt is the stereotypical tank of the Overwatch game series.
  • He can fire off damaging projectiles with his Fire Strike.


  • Roadhog is a big beefy tank whose important Chain Hook is one of the most feared abilities in Overwatch. 
  • He has the ability to grapple enemies towards him combined perfectly with his devastating short-range shotgun blast.


  • Sigma packs a ton of harm into his essential weapons. They are slow and restricted in range, yet they hit truly hard.
  • His trial obstruction gives some Reinhardt-esque group insurance, and his Dynamic Handle can be utilized to ingest shots and renew his safeguards, providing him with a fair piece of individual survivability.


  • Winston is one of the most natural countenances of Overwatch, he is a goliath gorilla with an enormous measure of versatility and survivability
  • He can effectively bounce upon a weak foe. With his electric Tesla Gun he can undoubtedly burst down more fragile characters.

Wrecking Ball

  • Wrecking Ball is the most portable Tank in Overwatch 2. It is a goliath mech steered by an incredibly smart hamster named Hammond.
  • It can send off itself into a foe’s backline, thumping everybody back with its mass


  • Zarya approaches two obstructions: her Molecule Hindrance, which safeguards herself; and her Projected Boundary, which can be applied to a partner to safeguard them.
  • Zarya’s essential weapon has two modes: a short-range bar, and an explosive launcher for longer-ran assaults.


  • Ashe is an effective mid-range sniper. 
  • The dual purpose nature of her primary weapon allows her to cover a decent range.


  • It can switch at will between two configurations: a mobile bipedal mech, and a slow-moving tank. 
  • It can kill its enemies very easily, but it’s not able to withstand much damage.


  • Echo’s signature ability is her Ultimate Duplicate, which turns her into a copy of the targeted enemy, able to use their character’s abilities for the duration. 
  • Her Focusing Beam is fantastic for finishing off low-health enemies. 


  • Genji is a popular and powerful character with very high DPS potential.
  • The most dangerous aspect of Genji’s skillset is his Dragonblade Ultimate. 


  • Hanzo’s Storm Bow arrows are fast, accurate, and extremely damaging, particularly with headshots.
  • Hanzo’s Ultimate, Dragonstrike, has the potential to annihilate whole enemy teams in one go.


  • Junkrat is also a very strong character in Overwatch 2. 
  • He can use his Concussion Mines to reach high places and travel quickly.


  • Mei’s primary weapon is a spray that deals damage and slows enemies.
  • She’s meant to be used in the midst of other players, she can handle a lot of damage alone. 


  • Pharah is an airborne version of Junkrat. 
  • Her rocket launcher primary weapon deals high damage but with their slow movement speed they’re hard to land on quicker enemies.


  • When you need someone to deal with a strong enemy, Reaper can be a good choice. 
  • His Hellfire Shotguns are incredibly damaging at close range, and he has a lot more personal survivability.


  • Sojourn is a versatile and powerful soldier character which is newly added to Overwatch 2. 
  • She doesn’t have much health, but she can deal huge damage if left unchecked.

Soldier: 76

  • Sojourn is a versatile damage-dealing soldier who is an expert at delivering steady damage to any enemy in sight. 
  • He can sprint whenever he feels like it, which makes him a very versatile character. 


  • She can hack health packs in the world to prevent their use by enemies.
  • She’s an extremely strong flanker who is an expert at cleaning up vulnerable backline characters. 


  • Symmetra is a jack-of-all-trades. 
  • She can place up to three Sentry Turrets at a single  time.


  • Torbjörn is known for his Turret, which he can place down somewhere on the map so that it destroys nearby enemies. 
  • His Molten Core Ultimate is a good team fighting ability.


  • Tracer can use up to three short-ranged teleports in quick succession with her Blink ability.
  • She has very low health, she can be quickly killed by most other characters.


  • Widowmaker is the ultimate sniper character of Overwatch 2. 
  • Her Grappling Hook allows her to escape danger and reach high vantage points. 

Play and Download Now 



We have covered almost everything about the game in this article. From gameplay to characters, we have got every single detail. You can check the official trailer of Overwatch 2 by clicking here.

Happy Playing!


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